Upaya Pemenuhan Nafkah Narapidana Terhadap Keharmonisan Keluarga Dalam Perspektif Kompilasi Hukum Islam

  • Ilham Lahiya STIS Wahidiyah


A family has the principle of balance between a husband and wife having their respective duties and roles as well as having their own rights and obligations. In the structure of a family there is also a leader or head of the family called the husband, a family leader who is obliged to provide for his family. (Salih, 2008). This study aims to determine efforts to fulfill the inmates' living towards family harmony in the perspective of Islamic Law Compilation. It is expected that by knowing this, the family can accept and understand each other's situation patiently and sincerely because harmonious family can be realized by accommodating differences in personality, experience, and adjusting lifestyle differences with rahmah. So with this difference can foster a sense of tolerance and mutual respect. The method in this study uses a qualitative descriptive research approach. Sources of data in this study came from primary, secondary, and tesier data collected by taking data (case studies) through interviews then the data were analyzed through several stages including: editing, grouping, checking, analyzing data and conclusions. Based on research that has been done by researchers, it can be concluded that referring to the word of Allah and the Hadith of the Prophet, and also based on the Compilation of Islamic Law, the efforts of prisoners to provide for living do not conflict with Islamic law.
