• Ahmad Hendriyatno Universitas Wahidiyah
  • Eka Sri Indrayany Universitas Wahidiyah
Keywords: Interest in Learning, Build Flat


Student mastery of science and technology must be based on mastery of mathematics. A teacher must instill an interest in learning mathematics well in students so that the goals of national education can be achieved. Interest can affect the quality of achievement of student learning outcomes in learning. With the interest in providing stimuli that have something to do with the student, he will get inner satisfaction with the good learning outcomes that have been achieved. Conversely, an activity that is not carried out in accordance with the interests will result in unsatisfactory learning outcomes. Without a strong interest, it is very difficult for a student to achieve what the student wants.

This study aims to determine the students' interest in learning mathematics in class VIII SMP. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. This research was conducted at SMP Wahidiyah. According to Sukmadinata (Sudarman, 2016) descriptive-qualitative research is a form of research that aims to describe existing phenomena, both natural and man-made. To find out students' interest in learning about flat shape material, it can be analyzed by a gradual process. The research instruments used in this research were categorization test sheets, diagnostic test sheets, and interviews. Subjects in the study amounted to 6 people in which the subject was taken by giving a preliminary test for the flat shape material in mathematics, then the scores from the test were sorted from high to lowest rank. From the sequence of values, the researcher then determined the students who were in the high, medium and low categories, and based on the teacher's recommendations.



Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that students who have an interest in learning mathematics in high flat shapes are shown by AF and SS subjects, while students who have an interest in learning mathematics in flat shapes are shown by subjects AI and ZIA, and students who have an interest in learning mathematics in shapes is shown by the subjects CH and KN. Subjects AF and SS showed feelings of pleasure and liked learning flat shape material, while CH and KN did not like and felt bored in learning flat shape materials.

Keywords: Interest in Learning, Build Flat
