BIOMEDIC <p>Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan dan Keperawatan</p> en-US (Asep Nuraziq) Tue, 21 Jul 2020 07:09:56 +0700 OJS 60 HUBUNGAN TINGKAT KECEMASAN DENGAN SIKLUS KETERLAMBATAN MENSTRUASI REMAJA <p><em>As many as 20% of young women in Indonesia experience emotional problems. Anxiety is an uncomfortable feeling that is usually in the form of feelings of anxiety, fear, worry due to manifestations of psychological and physiological factors. Factors such as pain, anxiety, can affect the menstrual cycle delay or prevent menstruation. Purpose : of this writing is to find out whether there is a relationship between the level of anxiety with the menstrual cycle in young women in the al - hidayah dormitory in Kedunglo Islamic boarding school in Kediri. Method : used was analytic observational with cross sectional research design, the population was all adolescent al-hidayah dormitories and there were 80 respondents. Data retrieval using a cookie cutter was then processed by chi square statistical test. The results showed X 2 count = 15,267 (&gt; X 2 tables = 5, 991), the probability value 0,000 (&lt;0,05) then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, meaning there was a very significant relationship. Conclusion : of this study is that there is a significant relationship between the level of anxiety with the menstrual cycle in adolescent girls in the al-hidayah dormitory of Kedunglo Islamic boarding school in Kediri.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords: </strong>Anxiet Level, Menstrual Cycle, Young Women</em></p> Sri Rejeki Utami Copyright (c) 2020 JURNAL BIOMEDIC Tue, 21 Jul 2020 06:42:14 +0700 HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN TENTANG GASTRITIS DENGAN KAJADIAN GASTRITIS PADA REMAJA PUTRI <p>Gastritis is an inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa and submucosa. Gastritis can occur in people who have an unhealthy and irregular diet and consume foods that can stimulate stomach acid production. The purpose of this study was to look at the relationship of knowledge with the incidence of gastritis in young women at Kedunglo Kediri Islamic Boarding School. This research is analytical survey research using the type of correlational research, the approach used in this study is a cross sectional approach. The samples of this study were class 1, 2 and 3 grade teenagers at Wahidiyah Senior High School Kedunglo Kediri Islamic Boarding School in 2018 totaling 80 respondents who were taken using purposive sampling technique. The instrument in this study was a questionnaire or questionnaire made by the researchers themselves and used in the knowledge variable and the incidence of gastritis. This questionnaire is in the form of a closed question, containing 10 questions about the incidence of gastritis and 15 questions regarding knowledge of gastritis. At the end of the study chi-square test was conducted to determine the relationship between the two variables. From the results of the study, there were 23 respondents (48.9%), and those who were sick with good knowledge who did not have good knowledge, 20 respondents (60.6%). Whereas there are 13 respondents (39.4%) and those who lack knowledge and illness, there are 24 respondents (51.5%) who are not sick. Based on the chi square test, the value of p = 0.365 (p =&gt; 0.005) is obtained. The researcher concluded that there was no relationship between knowledge with the incidence of Kedunglo Young Women gastritis in 2018.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Gastritis, Knowledge, Youth</p> Ana Nur Wahidah Copyright (c) 2020 JURNAL BIOMEDIC Tue, 21 Jul 2020 00:00:00 +0700 HUBUNGAN KUALITAS TIDUR DENGAN PRESTASI SISWA SMA WAHIDIYAH KEDIRI TAHUN 2018 <p><em>Sleep is a basic human need for everyone to restore energy. From several researchers stated that sleep greatly affects&nbsp; the parts of the brain that are used for decision making, memory consolidation,learing and critical thingking. Especially for high scool stuents who are still in thr process of growth, good quality sleep is needed for maximum learning achievement. For this reason, researchers examined Wahidiyah Kediri high school students in class X and XI with a Cross Sectional Design. Sampling technique with purpossive sampling technique. 80 respondents used the Pittsburgh&nbsp; Sleep Qulity index (PSQI) questionnaire and achivements with acedemic rankings, namely semester rangkings. At the end of the research, a chi- square test was conducted to determine the realitionship between the two variabels. From the results of the study, there were 19 student (45,2%) and 23 students (605) who had good sleep quality and achievemeent. While the quality of sleep was not good and there were 23 student (54,8%) and those who did not have 15 students (39,5). Based on the chi-square test p value = 0.187 (p=&gt;0.05). the researcher concluded that there was no correlation between sleep quality and the performance of Wahidiyah Kediri High School Student in 2018.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keyword: </strong>Sleep Quality, Learing Achievement</em></p> Nur Herli Suciani Copyright (c) 2020 JURNAL BIOMEDIC Tue, 21 Jul 2020 07:03:31 +0700 HUBUNGAN ANTARA INSOMNIA DENGAN PRESTASI BELAJAR PADA SANTRI PONDOK PESANTREN KEDUNGLO AL-MUNADHOROH <p><em>The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of insomnia with learning achievement in santri Kedunglo Al-Munadhdhoroh Islamic boarding school in class XI Wahidiyah Kediri High School.The results of this study are expected to provide scientific information to readers regarding the relationship between insomnia and learning achievement. The research design used was quantitative with a cross sectional approach. The research subjects were grade XI students at Wahidiyah Kediri High School. Sampling technique with Slovin formula. The total sample was 80 people. The results of the research instruments were L-MMPI scale and Insomnia Rating Scale which were then tested with Chi-Square. It showed a significant relationship between insomnia and learning achievement, because the value of X² calculated was 4,530 and the significance was obtained. probability number of 0.000. From the probability number it can be seen that the relationship is significantly related because the number is &lt;0.05.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords: Insomnia, Learning Achievement, Chi-Square Test</strong></em></p> Riskia Romadhoni Copyright (c) 2020 JURNAL BIOMEDIC Tue, 21 Jul 2020 07:05:37 +0700 HUBUNGAN PENGETAHUAN KESEHATAN REPRODUKSI DENGAN PERILAKU HYGIENE PADA GENETALIA REMAJA PUTRI <p><em>Hygiene behavior is an effort carried out by individuals to maintain personal hygiene to avoid illness and our productivity. One of them is hygiene behavior towards genetalia. Moreover, genetal areas are sensitive areas on the body of women, especially adolescents. Adolescent reproductive health is very vulnerable to disease or infection. In this case young women must behave properly in the care of genetal hygiene. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of adolescent girls' knowledge with hygiene behavior on reproductive health. This type of research is analytic observation with cross sectional design, data obtained from the sample of the study population using purposive sampling technique. Sample of a portion of students in Kedunglo Kediri Islamic Boarding School. Respondents were 80 students using a questionnaire. At the end of the study a chi-square test was performed to determine the relationship between the two variables. From the results of the study showed the data of female students who have good knowledge of good hygiene behavior were as many as 6 respondents 60.0%, good knowledge of bad behavior as much as 59 respondents 84.3%. bad knowledge behaves good hygiene 4 respondents 40.0%, bad knowledge behaves poor hygiene as many as 11 respondents 15.7%. Based on the chi-squaredi test get p = 0.86 (p =&gt; 0.05. Researchers conclude that there is no relationship between adolescent girls' knowledge and hygiene behavior in reproductive health at Kedunglo Kediri Islamic Boarding School.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords: </strong>Knowledge, Hygiene Behavior, Reproductive Health</em></p> Kusumastuti Copyright (c) 2020 BIOMEDIC Sat, 25 Jul 2020 05:17:12 +0700 HUBUNGAN ANTARA PENGETAHUAN SANTRI TERHADAP KEBERSIHAN LINGKUNGAN DENGAN KEJADIAN SKABIES <p><em>In connection with scabies, some of the students suffer and some do not suffer in this case because of the lack of students in maintaining the cleanliness of themselves and the environment, the attitudes and actions (cleanliness and habits) of students in the hostel in daily life. background, the formulation of the problem in this study is as follows: "Is there a relationship between the students' knowledge of environmental cleanliness and the Scabies incident. The general objective of this study was to determine the relationship between environmental hygiene knowledge of students and the incidence of scabies, based on the results of the study most of the respondents in this study were aged as many as 50 students (62.5%). it is hoped that further researchers can research more about environmental cleanliness in more abundant research fields.</em></p> <p><em><strong>Keywords:</strong> Knowledge, Environmental Cleanliness, Scabies Occurrence.</em></p> Wiji Nur Khalimah Copyright (c) 2020 BIOMEDIC Sat, 25 Jul 2020 05:18:52 +0700